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PSI Testing Information
PSI Testing Information  

Information from PSI for Licensees 

PSI Offers Testing Online and In-Person for the Wisconsin Intermediary Licensing Exam


View the Process for Applying and Obtaining a WI Individual Resident Insurance License

IIAW School Code required for exam reservation: 10015134

**You will be required to present your prelicensing certificate of completion in order to test. Acceptable forms of proof include, faxed copies, electronic verification, and paper copies only. The certificate must show a state or school letter head and be signed and dated by the provider. Altered certificates cannot be accepted. Prelicensing certificates are valid for 1 year from issue date. A certificate will be issued to you on the final day of class.**

Preparing for Test Day

Schedule a Test

Reschedule/Cancel a Test


PSI Insurance Practice Tests

Scheduling a Test with PSI

Register Online by going to PSI Exams' website or call 888-818-5805 to schedule your exam for test dates on or after July 1, 2020. PSI will be offering exams at physical test sites as well as through remote proctoring.

Prior to scheduling an exam, be sure to create an account with PSI by signing up here

Individuals applying for their license should register for the General and State Series exams.
Agents who have held a prior license and it expired or lapsed (life, health, property or casualty license) should register for just the State Specific Series exams.

Exam Numbers:

Property: General and State Series 22-05
Casualty: General and State Series 22-07
Life: General and State Series 22-01
Accident and Health: General and State Series 22-03

Important Information from PSI Exams for In-Person Exam Centers

    • A valid, current, government issued photo ID is required to be admitted to the testing center.  Paper copies of renewals are permitted however, expired IDs or pictures of IDs on their phones are not
    • The registration name on their exam and course completion certificate should match identically with what is on their government issued ID e.g., Richard on the drivers license should not be shortened to Rick, Dick, Ricky, Rich or any other diminutive on their documents or when registering
    • Recently married or divorced individuals must bring proof of name change e.g., marriage certificates, divorce decrees or court documents
    • They must show for their exams 30 minutes prior to the exam start time.  TCAs are instructed to not admit them if they are 15 minutes late.   Candidates can start as early as they like subject to computer testing station availability however late starts may result in the system locking them out from testing
    • Absolutely no personal items are allowed in the testing center.  This includes; phones, smart watches, paper, pencil, excessive overgarments, purses or back packs. Devices found in the room will result in an immediate termination of their exam
    • Food is not permitted in the testing site.  Exceptions are made only for clear bottled water.  PSI Special Accommodations can approve food or drink for health need

PSI Bridge - A Remote Proctoring Experience
PSI Bridge is an online test-taking platform from PSI to allow licensees to take their licensing exam anywhere they like. The technology allows for various methods of proctoring to be enabled, customizable test security, lock-down browser capabilities, candidate identity authentication, reporting and analytics. 

Technical Requirements for PSI Bridge

Digital Fingerprinting for Resident License Applicants

Section Ins 6.59 (4) (a), Wis. Adm. Code., requires that any individual resident applying for a license or adding additional lines of authority to a current license submit fingerprints and criminal background check as a part of the application. The cost is approximately $36.

Reservations can be made online at At the time of reservation, applicants must enter the Fieldprint code: FPWIOCIInsurance

This booklet provides answers regarding who needs to complete prelicensing education, procedures for registering to take your examination(s), and instructions for completing the required criminal history check/fingerprinting. Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found in the Candidate Handbook.

Click Here

Questions regarding licensing laws, specific exemptions and circumstances should be directed to the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance licensing Section at (608) 266-8699 or


Prelicensing Education Information from OCI

Licensing Frequently Asked Questions

Prelicensing Requirements

Contact PSI if this does not provide the information you need:

PSI Exams
Call: 888-818-5805

For comprehensive examination information, please review a copy of the "Insurance Licensing Candidate Handbook" published by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.